I would have never thought.

When I started this blog 7 months ago, I was doing it for two reasons.  To relieve some of the stuff that was traveling through my brain, and to improve my writing skills, because of my learning disability.  I really did not think that anyone would really read it.  I kind of laugh when I saw that this blog was seen by some one in North Korea or Russia.  I do not even know anyone in those countries.  Then I have my faithful fan Bev, who was my mom's best friend since I was 15.

But over the past few months I have heard from a few friends that have told me that they have enjoyed or have seen my blog.  That have been there when they see that I was down.

But this brings me to the last few blogs that I have written: 25th Reunion and Mapping out my Depression.

I started writing "Mapping out my Depression" back in August.  I stopped because at the time it became to painful.  I thought that I may have to reveal some personal stuff that I was not ready to share on the Internet.  One of old Missionary buddies, Gary, came down and visited with me and encouraged  me to finish it, but not to publish it until I was ready to.  The topic sat here all through September.  It was not until Elder Holland's talk in LDS Conference that I did not think of it again.  This time I was able to share with  people what was going on with me.  I was able to get around a touchy subject, that had stop me back in August.

In writing "25th Reunion", it is about my fears of going to my class reunion.  I paid to go to the reunion back in August. (Something about the month of August!)  I have really changed the past 5 years and it is not for the good.  I now weigh over 400 lbs and my health did go somewhat down at this time as well.  Then there was the looming divorce, and then my wife, who is of the class of 89 register for the reunion.  This really put me into a panic, but I had to step back and think about things.  Plus I miss the 20th reunion because of work problems and I really wanted to go and didn't.  So I feel like I have to go to this one. 

After writing the blog I got a lot of notes from friends to put aside my fears and just go.  I did and still  some what feel like people really will not want to see me, but that is OK.  I am grateful for the notes I got on Facebook from this one blog.  I even got a note from one person who is not even on my friends list who said I should go.

Then today I got message from someone who came across my blog, I think because we share some of the same friends.  She started following me but did not know why she did.  And that is when she came across my blog page.   She wrote to thank me and how my blog rang true to her and was comforting. I do not know which ones she read.  And I do not think that I shared any real words of wisdom in any.  But she found something that rang true.

For me this was shocking and I started to cry.  What did I say, to affect someone else.  I am writing this for me.  It's funny but one of my sister-in-laws like, The Hallway of Tears.  She calls it, very melancholy.  I don't see myself as this great writer.  If I were to write a book, I would not know what to write about.  But it seems like the more personal topics, are what people are really reading.

I thank all of you for reading, to me at times it seems like a boring blog.  And I promise I will not change a thing.  And thanks to all of you that have sent me notes when I really needed them.  They have been a big lift and a life saver for me.


  1. you affect people in a way you will never know!! So many people are struggling and going though their own battles, I promise, you are not alone. but from these battles, we become stronger and so will you! Hey, you never know, you might just meet a new friend just from blogging!! ps....I just got an invite to my class reunion. I graduated in 1968,..........holy schmoly!! But, I'm not going.....anyone I cared about I stayed in touch with......to heck with the rest of them, but I think it's a good idea for you to get out there and reconnect with some old friends!!


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