Friends lost and gained

I wrote this as a note on Facebook back on March 19, 2010. 

We have all heard the stories of those on Facebook, who, through a search of there high school class or from other friends have rekindled old friendships. I think many of us have those stories as well. Friends we have not seen since that last summer after graduation, moving away because of college or work.

I have a few of these stories of my own. I have found missionary companions, people that I meet in Ireland, people I have chatted with over the last 20 years on AOL and Prodigy, and yes I have found old friends from high school. It is a great joy to see them here and to see there updates from time to time. He see them grow, and to hear how there family has grown and, now starting to leave as well. I have enjoyed that chats, even when we do not agree on the latest political topic.

But there a few that really make me sad. Friendships that went away, and for some reason can not be rekindled. I have had this experience with two people here on Facebook. I do admit that one of them was my fault and have been hoping to reconcile our difference. I know that both of our lives are much more different then they were those so many year ago. 

The other is a missionary companion. I do not know what I did, or if it is just him. But again, I would really love to talk to him and talk about the good times we had. Yes we had our disagreements from time to time, but I did not hold any thing against him. 

I feel like I needed to get this out. I kind of wear my heart on my shoulder at times. I know we all of people that do not like us for on reason or another, but these guys were truly my friends. 


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