A Ghost Story for Halloween.

In 1978 we moved to Arizona from Tennessee.  The reason for this, was a few months before, my Grandfather Hatch had died and my mom wanted to be closer to her mom.  So we moved into my grandparents home, and my grandma moved into the apartments that was next door that they had build and owned for a few years. 

My Grandfather's death was some what unique.  It was a Saturday, and he had called us that morning like he normally did, went to the temple and then later was attending the funeral of a Brother-in-law that had died while staying with them.  He was asked to give the closing prayer at the funeral.  He got up and gave the closing prayer, sat back down and put his hand on my grandma's knee and died of a heart attack right there. 

After about a year of living in the house, my parents decided to expand the house and add on a den, a laundry room, and a huge garage.  My sister's room became a hallway from the house to the new addition. 

For a few years that T.V. was over by the door of the laundry room.  So we had a chair that if you were walking through our house, you  could see from the main hallway, through my sister's room. 

By the age of 15 I started attending the church dances.  So I would come home and sit there and watch a few hours of T.V. before I went to bed. 

At first I did not think much about it.  It being late at night.  Me probably eating popcorn from the Big Yellow Costco bag, and probably a Pepsi.  But this became a regular thing.  I would be sitting in the chair and out of the corner of  my eye, I would see a shadow move in the main hallway of the house.  Over by the T.V. was a window that was from the kitchen.  So if anyone went to the kitchen and opened up the fridge you would know.  But after a few times.  I noticed that now lights came on from the kitchen. 

The shadow then turned into a figure.  It was a man.  And he was always walking from the bedrooms to the front room.  Never ever going the other direction, or coming at me.  He never said anything, just walked his normal path.  A few times I got up to see if anyone was there and there wasn't.

A few years later we moved the T.V. against the east wall and moved the chair next to the kitchen window.  And I never saw the shadow man again.  I told my mom about what I had saw, and she said that she had seen him too.  She believed that it was the uncle that had died staying there.  He always walked the same path, never harming anyone.


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