Life Update.

I have been living be hind "I am fine" for to long now, and this is what really is up with me.  I guess you can say that I am not fine at all.  I have to moving by next Sunday, no job, and only $5 dollars to my name.

Moving:  I have to be out by the 1st.  Nina, is moving her brother in, who needs a place to stay.  I do not want anyone to have bad feeling for Nina or Dustin, for they have let me stay here since I lost the house.  But where I am going, I do not have a clue.  Still working on that.  My Bishop said he would help me with rent.

A Job:  I have been honestly looking for work the past year.  I have had friends help out and the jobs just not been there.  I do not know what it is about me, what I am doing wrong.  But so far if it requires an assessment test or a typing test I am failing. I have had some interviews the past two months, but get the letter the next day that they are going with other candidates.  Today's was the best though, they said they were turning me down because I wanted full time employment and that the job was part time and that they were going with other candidates.  Why not ask me if I wanted to try part time?

This is what hurts the most is the bill collectors that are calling up, that want there money.  I wish I could pay my bills, but what do I pay them with, when I have nothing to pay with.  Not to many of them are very understanding.

I continue to pray that things will get better.  That my miracle is around the corner.  But don't think I am just sitting here not doing anything.  I am out there really searching.  I know the Lord will bless me some how.


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