Changing Taste

I have heard that over time, the things we did not like to eat as kids can change.  A few years ago,  we were invited over for dinner to a couples home and they served green beans. I put one on my fork and found out that I still hate the taste of green beans.

But I have always been a picky eater.  My ex wife use to say that I had a problems with textures. But I do not know if that is true or not.  Here are a few examples about what I am talking about.

  • Like Onions.  Do not mind onions to badly if they are cooked and nice and tender.  Do not like Hard onions that you would find on a hamburger or hot dog.  
  • Lettuce, like it in a salad, but again, not on my sandwich, hamburger, or taco.  And Peas.  
  • Peas, I can not eat them on there own.  But if you put them in a soup or stew, a pot pie, and even fried rice, which I sometimes pick out some of them, I will eat them.
  • Apples.  I like them plain.  I like apple pie.  Apple cider is not bad either.  But if it is apple sauce, I can not stand it.  I have tried several different types and just do not like the taste.  And apple juice too.  I just don't get it.
  • Carrots, love them raw.  But you cook them and serve them alone.  Can not do it.  Just like peas, OK if they are in with something else.
But over the past few years my friend Del Mar, has gotten me to try some things that I did not like or had never tried before.
  • Like Salmon.  The only time I have had salmon was on a flight back home from Washington D.C., flying first class.  And that was not good.  I have now had salmon three times, and the last time it was done really well. (Thanks for that Emily!) 
  • Strawberries.  OK, they were in ice cream, but it was the first time I had them.  I even had a few big chunks, but I think I left one big chunk.  
  • And this last Sunday, I had my first Raspberry.  It did not taste like the artificial favoring I was use to, and had a lot of seeds.  I was really disappointed.  I expected a favor explosion, but it did not happen.

And one thing I discovered on my own.  Cole Slaw.  Yes I know it sounds funny, but I think for me it was the combination of things together, that turned me off the taste.  I first tried it at a fast food Chicken place.  I am one that hates to waste food, (and if you have seen me, you know that is a true statement), so I thought I would give it a try.  And I found it not bad.  I have tried two other places Cole Slaw and have found it not to bad.

So what is next?  I have no idea.  I know that Green Beans are still gross.  But I have found that sometimes just trying something new is not a bad thing.  That being said I don't know if a peach is in the future or not.  But who knows.


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