Noah the Movie

So I was talking to someone at church about seeing the Movie, Noah.  And I told them what I thought about it, and then they asked me, if I did not know anything about Noah, is it a good movie?  And this was not hard for me to answer, and I said Yes.  If you look at it as a Movie, it is a pretty good Action / Adventure Movie.  It had drama, conflict, and action, but we somewhat know how the movie ends.

But before I went to see Noah, I wanted to brush up on Noah and went to the source, the Bible.  I heard some one say, how can you get a movie out of  few verses, but the story of Noah cover a lot more.  It story takes in Genesis Chapter 6 thru 10.   So I read the book before seeing the movie.

And I think this is the problem that most Christians are having with the film.  It tries to follow the story, but how much literary licence are you going to get away with.  And that is the problem, they strayed to far from the original story.

I think that the first problem was that you never really get, that Noah is a prophet.  You see a young Noah with his father, who is preforming some type of ceremony and that is interrupted by a group of people, who kill his father.  Noah is having these dream and he has to go to his Grandfather, Methuselah, to ask about these dream, and Methuselah gives him some tea to drink to understand what the dream is about and gives him a seed to plant.  And you get the feeling that Noah does not understand why he is building the ark.  And I will explain this in a minute.

If you read the Bible you know that Noah was 600 years old when he built the ark.  And that his family helped him build it.  This would be his wife and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and there wives.  OK, I don't think anyone would go see a Russell Crow Movie, where he looks 600 years old.  And that did not bother me.  Nor did it bother me that they introduces, The Watchers, a bunch of fallen angels who are good, but man has tried to destroy.  They help Noah build the ark.  But here is the problem, Shem is the only one with a girlfriend at first, then wife, Ham is jealous of Shem and Japheth is a teenager.   At one point Ham finds a girl and his bringing her back to the ark, when the people start to attack the ark, and as they are running, she gets caught in a trap and is killed.  So no future wife for Ham.  Oh and Japheth is a teenager.

One of the things they show as Noah's little family is living on the ark, that Noah goes a little crazy.
Well a little is not the word, but a lot.  And I guess this plot flaw number 3.  Noah really does not understand that his mission, to be the second father of people on earth.  And this never comes across in the move.  At one point he is talking about them dying and who will bury who.  And when Shem's wife,who is played by Emma Watson, has twins, Noah goes after them and but can not kill them at the end.

One thing that they added to the story, was the King of the people.  He was the one that had killed Noah's father.  He makes a hole in the ark and hides there to Kill Noah, with the help of Ham.  Not in the story, but is part of the Action movie.  There is this big fight between them both and King is killed.

The movie skips ahead to them living once again on the ground.  We see a drunken Noah, because of all the things he did on the ark, I guess.  Ham finds him naked and Shem and Japheth cover his naked body.  But then Ham is disgusted with what he sees and runs off.  And after that Noah gives his family a blessing.

So if you a Christian, and know somewhat the story of Noah, I do not think you will like it.  Just is not biblical at all.  But if you can look past it, it is a pretty good Action / Adventure movie.  But for me I can not get pass not following the story.  This was not the Noah I grow up hearing about.  So if you are like me, you will not like this movie.  I just wish they would had followed the bible story closer.


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