Mission Companions Summary.

So just about an hour after I got done with the first part of Missionary Companions, I got a personal message through Facebook, by a fellow IDM, who said they thought Elder Junior looked like Bruce Willis too!  I knew I was not crazy.

In the 23 months of my mission I had 15 companions.  And I served in 11 different areas, and 6 different cities and 2 Countries.  Sounds like the total at the end of the Amazing Race.  But like the Amazing Race, it was and an Amazing Journey.

The longest I served with someone was Elder Clarke in Limerick, 4 months.  The Shortest was Elder Silk, about 2 weeks.  I don't remember where everyone was from, but I do know that I did serve with guys from Arizona, California, Utah and Idaho.  Its funny, I was just remembered that my trainer, Durrant was from Idaho and Neal from Idaho.  I also served with a guy from Canada and Sweden.

8, well 9 if you count the MTC, of my companions I served with only for a month.  And like I said, I did not really have much time to form a bond with most of them, except Butterfield and Schurter.

So let look at this, from the reason I wrote the two blogs.  My lovely Heidi said I had a lot of bad companions?  I find this statement false.  I just had a lot of companions for a month I did not bond with.  I did two that I had a really bad time with and I don't want talk about Elder Carr.

For a long time, I was really struggling with my companionship with Elder Myberg.  I took a lot blame for a lot of stuff that happened there, that was not really my fault or his fault at all.  It was almost like we were set up to fail from the beginning.  And when I was questioned about it, I really did not have any answer then.  After much time and talking to some people, I think it comes down to bad leadership. Things that should have been taken care of before we got there wasn't, and we were not able to perform our duties as missionaries like we could have.

I thought all of the guys that I served with were great guys.  Yes even Elder Tyler who will not friend me on Facebook.  And Yes Durrant, who was this big nerd, and he was likable.  I remember seeing him up in Belfast before he went home, and him say how proud he was of me.  And I look back and how proud I was to serve with a bunch of great guys.


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