Missionary Companions 1988 to 1990

So when I was visiting with Heidi, the missionaries came over to teach a lesson.  We sat there before the person was there and Heidi told them that we were in the same mission.  So we kind of forget that the Elders are there and we just start talking about the mission.  To the point that she makes the statement that I really did not have a lot of good companions.  So this made me think about what could I say about all of my companions?  Was there just one positive thing I could say or was it just all bad as Heidi said.  Now don't forget, she knew some of them, so it may be her opinion that is coming out in this opening statement.

Elder Ford, MTC:
OK I can say that it was neat that two Elders from the Phoenix area, being teamed up, and going to the same mission is kind of cool.  But I always thought that Butterfield and Ford should have been MTC companions.  They were closer in there friendship with each other.  I am not saying that Ford is a bad guy, but when you room with four other guys, those too bonded quicker than me and Ford. 

Elder Durrant, Cork:
My first companion in the mission field, My trainer.  And boy did I put him through his paces.  It really was a learn process with me and I am very grateful Elder Durrants patients with me.  Those first two weeks were hard.  No active searching for people, just preforming acts of service.  But the two months that we were together flew by really fast.

Elder Clarke, Limerick:
I came from serving with the tallest missionary in the IDM, to serving with the shortest in the mission.  But Wee Clarke was a giant of a man.  He taught me to be a well rounded missionary.  From service, to having fun on the mission.  I tell everyone that, the 4 months we were  companions (plus living with Elders Carrigan and Hunsaker during the same time) was the best for months of my mission.  We had two baptisms in Limerick.  My first and his last.  The day that him and Elder Carrigan left to go home was truly one of the saddest days of the mission.  But I had the memories of the great time we had there.

Elder Junior, Limerick:  Just serviced with him for a month.  He was sick a lot, so we did not get out a lot.  I always thought that he looked like Bruce Willis.  I wish I could write more , but that is all I have for him.

Elder Gibson, Carrickfergus:
It was great to serve with another missionary from Arizona.  He drove me and I think every companion crazy with Pam Post!  But Elder Gibson was a very good missionary.  One of the hardest workers I every worked with, and he also liked to have fun too.  He was also Bold, with I was not.  We tracked into a Jehovah's Witness and we got a return appointment.  I told Gibson this was going to be a bash fest, and if it was I would just sleep.  I got a good nap that day.  I was lucky to get him and Elder Clarke so close together.  We got two Baptisms here, but we had two that got away, John and Fiona.  Gibson is counted in my favorites list of companions.

Elder Burningham, Carrickfergus:
Was a really good guy.  I felt bad, because he had to deal with me when I was struggling.  President Martin came in and changed things around, and I had a hard time adjusting to the new programs.  But he really was a great guy with a great personality.  I think if we were together for more than one month we would have had a better bond.  The last part of my mission, he was one of my Zone Leaders, and I proud that he had achieved this honor.  He truly earned it.

Elder Tyler, Ballymun:  
Another really good guy that I liked.  I meet Elder Tyler on my second day in Ireland, Me and Ford had to wait for our companion to make it to Dublin, so we were with Tyler and Bulter at the time.  I know that when I got with Tyler he was still trying to find what type of missionary he would be.  And this was hard, because of the new programs.  But we tried and we had fun.  We were also in probably the cheapest flat in the mission.  It was known as the 50p flat.  All of the electricity and gas was on 50 pence meters.  Someone forgot that Airport was in our area, and we didn't.  So we did all of our open your month at the airport, spending most of time watching planes take off.  I think that is were I say my first 747 take off. And yes we knew how much it cost to get home.

Elder Tyler did find his way.  He was my District Leader in Ballymena.  I could spend a few more paragraphs tell you Elder Tyler stories, (all true) but I wont.  I have reached out to him on facebook, but he will not except me as a friend.  And I will just leave it here.

Elder Myberg, Chapelizard:
My first companion from another country, Sweden.  He came off as a very shy and quite person.  We were together for one month and it was Christmas time.  We had a really bad month. They set us up in a brand new area, did not have a place for use to live for a few days.  The found us a shack behind a sweet shop, that every night I thought was going to fall down, and then they got us a flat, that had one bed, so we both sleep on the floor.  And no one really knew what the area really was.  And we got our bikes stolen.  So we had a lot to deal with, and little time to get to know each other.  Wish I had more time to get to know him.

Well that is just the first year of my mission.  


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