Hang on to Nothing

Being a guy that believes that the glass is half full, I tend to hold on to things a little to long, that I am the one who really gets hurt.  Why do I always hope that things are going to work out and then they don't, and ends into some what of a heart break?  The perfect example of this is what I am dealing with right now.

I still believe that my wife is going to come back, even though she has told me there is no chance for that, and that the divorce papers are filed.  Why do I continue to hand on?  I know she is not going to.  Her own actions tell me that.

If hope and faith are so much tied to each other, why is my faith being tested like it is?  Why does this drive me crazy and into the depths of depression?  I do not understand why. 

All I can do is keep praying that things are going to work out for me.  And that does not mean my wife  is coming back.


  1. Don't look back.... you're not going that way! If you could only see what is ahead of you........some day you will understand why you have to go through this....until then....just keep on keeping on!


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