Grateful for good Friends!

After Sacrament meeting today, one of the older gentleman in the Ward sat down next to me and said, "Bill, you are so quiet, we do not know how you are do."  I could tell that he really wanted to know.  I thanked him and told him I was fine.  I sat by myself this morning, not like many other Sunday mornings.  It was a nice thing to be noticed.

But I do not want to sound friendless, because I am not. If it was not for the Dials and Del Mar, I do not know where I would be today.  I meet Dials about 5 or 6 years ago.  I was there home teacher that never came around.  So one month, I decided to do it and I made cookies and took them to my families.  Emily invited me in and I sat down and they had Fox News on.  I was only going to be there for 5 minutes, I went home and hour later.

A few months later we meet after church and Del Mar had driven his Porsche 944,   I start tell him how I was racing 944's at the time.  I do not remember when we started do more things together, but that is how it all began.

But Del Mar has been to good of a friend.  He has been there when I have been down to my lowest lows.  He paid for me to go with him and his family to Seattle this summer.  And they feed me now and then.  They really make me feel like I am part of there family.  This has transferred to Del Mar's Father and brother Nick.  They always invite me to all the family get to gathers.  I think Nick's daughter Cora thinks I am just an uncle, and gives me a hug every time I am over.

I am also grateful for my mission family.  Randall McClellan calls me about once a week to check on me.  Gary Wensel sends me personal messages from time to time to check on me.  We got to visit a few month back, and that was very up lifting.  And Stan Rice also keeps track of me as well.

But what I can not get over is the posting on the President Gull page on Facebook.  I did not ask for anyone to fast for me.  I try not talk about the things I am dealing with, except here.  So I just blown away that some one did post that.  I thought from time to time to take down, because, just did not want people worry about me.  But I can tell you I have felt the Lords comfort today.  I still do not know what I am going to do with things I am dealing with, but I know and answer will come soon.  I do go to a Job Fair on Wednesday that a friend told me to go to and use his name.  So we will see what will happens.

So this is a big thank you to all of you!  I know I am not a lone here.


  1. You are loved by so many........and friends are priceless.....sounds like you have some pretty good ones! They are there for you!!


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