Prank Gone Wrong

Before our trip to Ireland, my girlfriend was asked at work if we were going there to get engaged or married.  The answer was always no. For weeks she would be asked this question several.  So this became the running joke, as we started our trip.

On one of our days in Dublin, we were meeting up with some friends that I had not seen for almost 30 years.  We had lunch at a local mall, and one of them had to pick up a package at a store.  So we went into the store, and we are looking at the books they have on sale there.  My girlfriend find this book that says, Marriage Guest Book.  At the time we look at this and we think, we need take a picture of this.  Why not, we have people with us who can take the picture.
We walk just a little further in the mall and come across a jewelry store,  Again we think, wouldn't it be fun to post a picture or pictures of us in front of the jewelry store.  The sales person sees us out side taking pictures and comes out and ask if there is something we would like to see.  We laugh and decline the offer.  

So now we have the picture, and what better to do with pictures then to post them of Facebook.  I posted them to my Facebook page, tagging my girlfriend, and not saying anything about the pictures and just left it at that.  Never thinking of the firestorm I was about cause.

With in 24 hours, we have post congratulating us.  Even the friends that were with us and in on the joke were commenting on the post keep the joke running.  But then came the Marco Polo from her parents in South Africa, kind of excited, but wondering if we did or didn't.  Then as we are leaving to head to Limerick, I get a text from my sister, not to happy that she had to hear the news on Facebook.  I sent her a quick text, letting her know I would not do that, and that she would find out if we did do some before it was on Facebook.  I short time later, I got a text back saying that I need to call my dad, because she told him w were engaged.  So I had to make a call back to Arizona, telling my dad. no were we not engage, even though he would like to see us married.

The funny thing is, as we were travel to Limerick, I had sent a message on Facebook say, "On our way to Limerick, not Engaged!"  Well, a lot of people did not see it or read it.  For weeks we were still getting congratulations message on the post.  For a week or two even some of my girlfriend clients came in and congratulated her for getting engage.  

At the time it seemed like a great joke, because so many people thought that was why were going to Ireland.  But as I look at it now, I kind of wish I would have really done it.  It was really a beauty place.  


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