My Political Life.

In 2008 I received a degree in Political Science from Arizona State University.  When I was think back in high school what I would major in, it was down to history and political science.  I did not see very many career opportunities.  With political science, I could see myself serving in the Government.   I really want to work for the State Department, hopefully in an embassy some where around the world.  Plus I always had been interesting in politics.

In 1976 I wrote then, new elected Jimmy Carter a letter, saying so much congratulating him for becoming the President.  OK,  I was seven, and I thought it was great that a guy from Georgia, at that time the state next door to Tennessee, was President.  I got a note back from him, thanking me writing.  OK, so the signature probably was done by auto pin, and some how a chocolate stain got on it, probably from a fudge bar, this is still one of my priced pieces.

All through school, I wanted to serve as one of the class reps to Student Council.  This never happened for me, but when 6 grade came around, I ran from class president.  I spent hours after school, with the help of my mom making poster, flyer, and buttons.  It was hard fought election, six kids going for the same position.  I remember going to bed that night and praying to Heavenly Father that I would win.  The next morning I waited in my seat, for the announcements to come of the loud speaker.  My heart was broken when my name was not read as the winner.  But I had tied for second with one of my friends Demon.  We had lost out by one vote.

In High School., I learned that all you had to do to serve with student council was get 20 people to sign a petition.  For me that was easy.  So all three years I was part of student council.  My Junior year, I decided that I want to run for Elections Officer.  I would be the one running the student elections for the next year.  I lost out to a under class man. 

I really did not get back into politics until 1994.  I was approached by some in the neighborhood that I should serve as a Republican Precinct Committeeman.  All I had to do was get people in the precinct to sign a candidate's petition before the Primary Elections of that year.  So I hit the road and got about fifteen people to sign my petition.  The election came and went and I think that I got about 30 plus people to vote for me.  I did this 5 more times.

I enjoyed going to the meeting with other that I thought, thought like I did.  I loved to hear about what bills were being worked on in the state and nation.  To listen to the Representatives and Senators of the state, and sometimes we would have a Congressman or Senator come and speak.  I felt like I was part of the political process.

In 1998, I ran and won the sit for 3rd Vice Chair in the District.  This meant that I was part of the leadership of the District.  The Job was pretty easy, I set up the main speaker for one meeting and lead a few of the meetings.  In 2000 the District boundaries were changing because of the census.  I stayed on in leadership until the  new boundaries were set and we knew who was in the District.  The Census really changed things up.  It brought in a different kind of republican that I did not like.  They like playing the game of politics so much, that they did not care who they hurt, as long as you agreed with them.  The worst offender of this was Jeff Groscost.  He had been Speaker of the House, but lost his seat.  He found himself the new Chairman of the District. This also brought on hanger ons, like J.T. Ready, who would do anything to gain political power.  J.T. even joined the Mormon church because the leadership in the district was mostly Mormon and he saw this as a easy way of getting elected to office.  Lucky for us, he never was elected anything outside of leadership in the district.  This was also the time of the rise of Russell Pearce.

By 2004 I was ask to work on the campaign of Mary Jo Vecchiarelli.  She was former Principal of Mesa Junior and Mesa High, I had known her since I was 13.  It was hard, because she was running against Karen Johnson who I had known through my wife's family.  But Mary Jo did ask.  It was not seen to kindly that I had turn my back on Karen.  At the same time J.T. had become an attack dog in the party and was attack Mary Jo with a bunch of lies.  This was taken to Jeff Groscost and he did nothing about.  Election day came and Mary Jo lost.

At this time we had also moved out of the precinct that we lived in and the precinct that we moved into was full of a lot of good people who I had worked with in the past, and so I did not seek a to become a Precinct Committeemen. 

In some ways I really miss it.  I still would love to make a change in our country.  But the party system is broke.  The leadership is only looking to gain more power.  If you ask a question or question the motives of them, then you are seen as a Rino; Republican In Name Only.  The right wing controls it, and there is no room for a moderate.  That is the sad state of the Republican Party.


  1. Serve yourself, serve your neighbors, an then serve others. The first is mean as self improvement, the second is improvement for those around you, the third is improvement of the world about you.

    A man is the measure of his deeds. There is plenty to fix out there, pick your battles, then proceed. Help others, that will provide your way.

  2. A friend of mine, has pointed out that I have the right wing in the Republican Party miss identified. They are the left wing, and he is correct. This is what he wrote to me on Facebook. " The "right wing" in your posting is not right wing. They are left wing. Left is Statist while right is Anarchy. Where you fall between those two determines which wing you are on. If you claim to be a "conservative" yet advocate for your own brand of State Control you are decidedly NOT right wing."


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