Did you get a hair cut?

So last week I thought it was time for a little change, so I shaved of my goat tee.  I have not had a clean shaving face since 2007. OK, that is not a big change, and I did not see it as one, but I got some interesting reactions when some people saw me for the first time that day.

So about once a week I get to pick up my best friends oldest son from school.  I don't mind doing it, me and Jr. have some good talks, that some times last an hour or so after I get him home.   And sometimes we stop for a Coke at Circle K.  Well, I picked him up and the first thing he says, "Oh you got your hair cut."  Then he realized that yes I had cut some hair, but cut off the chin hair.  All he could says is. Bill, No, or Why!"  This was the extent of the conversation all the way to Circle K.

The next one to see the change was Dalton, a very straight forward, 9 year old.  He walks up to the truck and say," Oh you got you hair cut."  Then he realizes that the goat tee is gone.  I was shocked, no question out of Dalton about why, or any other strange question.  He just rode off to play with the kid down the street.

We go inside his house and wonder if his little 2 year old brother will know who I am with out the goat tee.  I walked in and he was not phased.  He knew who I was and did not even give me a weird look.

Next was the  13 year old, Victoria.  I am sitting on the couch and she looks at me and says in a girlish squeal, " Bill you got you hair cut!"  Then realizes that the goat tee is gone and that is when she is shocked and ask "why".

I had not planned on see the Dial's that day.  As Jr. and Vic pointed out to me, they have never seen me with out a goat tee or facial hair.  I first meet them in late 2007, so I had already finished up racing.  So they would not have noticed me at church with out it.  And seeing me a lot over the years, the Goat Tee was part of me.

A week late and I have started growing the goat tee back.  I never that I would have got the react that I did.  I wonder if they ever notice when I do get my hair cut?


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