"Are you happy with life?"

I was over at my friends house when is 7 year old son comes up to me and ask,"Bill are you happy with your life?"  I was shocked where did this come from?  How do you tell a 7 year old that you are not happy and then he ask why?  His dad looked at him and asked him how he could ask a question like that.

But is it so effuse that a 7 year old knows that I am not happy with my life. I don't like people know my problems. Maybe this is one to come back too.


  1. You can be happy with your life again...I promise. Remember, the only thing you can change is you....and it sounds like you're working on it!!!

  2. I am so glad sometimes that Jensen can't speak. He would ask me the same thing if he could. I know it's probably obvious to him.

  3. News flash it's 2:28am I should be asleep but I can't sleep so I am posting on your blog.

    I Have read all of your blogs! Now for my Son asking if you were happy with your life...I wouldn't read too much into it, he is a good observer I will give him that.

    Dalton has noticed when I upset or unhappy. In fact out of all my kids I can be stern with him and he will start crying so he is a sensitive little fellow.

    Now for you not being happy well Bev pretty much gave you the answer you already knew. Who makes me happy and that is the man in the mirror. You know the same one that is going to get you across the finish line in this life and hopefully to the celestial kingdom.

    Time to reach down and grab those boot straps and pull them up. I know its not easy I have had to do it a few times in my life as you already know but its time to bring out the new Bill. The one I see that just needs a little drive a little inspiration a little...Hey I can do this.

    I think this blog will help heal some of the wounds. I think there is more that can be done. Time to improve yourself mentally, Physically, and Spiritually and let the chips fall where they may. Nothing in life is easy nothing!

    I am going to be random on this comment because It's late I'm tired but figure I need to post something so here it is.

    Bill you have a lot and I mean a lot of God given talents. I know you have been through the ringer these past 3 years. I have tried the best I can as your friend to help you as much as I can because you are like one of my brothers. I think you need to know though that 1. You are a good person and need not be so hard on yourself. 2. Everything is not your fault despite how you feel and what some that are close in your life say. I can give names but I am going to take the higher ground. Trust me this is something new for me and I am doing it more for you than for me. You know me I don't care if people like me or not either way I will burn any bridge if honesty requires the fire. 3. Put your faith in God and blessing will come. This would include us going to the Temple. Its been a long time for me. This something we both of us can do to increase our spirituality and serve those waiting. 4. You are not alone. No matter how far or distant you feel God is there for you. 5. Do not feel sorry for yourself ever. You have way too much to offer than to be negative about who you are. I am not saying I get this from your blog or that yourself esteem is low but its easy to get in a rut and honestly you are right where Satan wants ya. So time to turn a new leaf and get rolling. The future can be bright as long as we look to the light my friend. So stay positive know that you are loved. And everything will be alright.

    Cheers my friend Cheers,

    Del Mar


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