Three years of Bloging.

April marked three years that I have been writing here.  There have been a lot of ups and downs, probably more downs then anything else.  But I am glad I have  had this place to kind of get things off my chest.  I know that some of my writing have been very dark, but that is what I was feel or going through at the time.  I feel like life has gotten much better since I have started this, with the hospital stay being a set back.  But I am moving forward  And hopefully be able to achieve some of the goals and plans I have set in the future.  Only time will tell.

There have been over 10,000 view of my blog over the three years.  I know of  few that have read it, but would love to know who have and why?  But I thank you for following and all of the love and support that you have shown me.


  1. I read it cuz I find it enjoyable and I need to keep track of you! Keep it up!


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