Limited Service Again!

Again I have limited access to the Internet.  But this time is a little different, because I do have my laptop and I am able to have apps that I can load on it that I can use without the Internet at times.  I have Microsoft Word, which allows me to write things down.  It is hard to do that at times on a phone.  I also have the LDS Gospel Library on my computer.  This allows me to do my daily scripture study, and then I can make notes in Word from my studies.  But my Internet usage is about three hours a day, six days a week. 

I just got my phone turned back on.  There was a misunderstanding on when the payment would be there, and even though I kept good contact with them, they turned off my serve and would not turn it back on until they received the payment.  I am not complaining, because I really can see their point of view.

I did not have a phone for 10 days.  I was going through some things at this time, and having a phone would have really helped out.  Most of the time, I had to wait for my friend to get home, so I could make calls.  Or I would get on Facebook Messenger, and relay a message that I wanted him to give to someone.  Also looking for a job and not having a contact number was really hard.

But, not having a phone really made me think about what we did before cell phones?  We did not have the ability to call anyone we wanted at any time.  We had to wait to get home and use the phone there.  And how many of us have a hard line phone at home?  I have not had one for two years, and probably never will have one again. 

But I am glad to have my phone back on and be able to talk to my friends when I want. And I can still write and study with out using up the data on my phone.  


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