Does God Answer Prayers?

Sometime I wonder if my prayers are in vain.  I wonder why, I have been praying so hard, and praying with real intent, why are my prayers not answered?  And why does God not answer mine prayers when he answers others, or so they say.

I have been told to pray harder, or that I have not been asking the right question of the Lord?  That I am not exercise enough faith? And even been told to change the way I pray?  That one really gets me, because what do I change up?  What am I saying that is wrong to God?  But how do I change, when I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

 I was in a long distanced relationship with a woman, who always encouraged me to pray for what I needed.  I have been praying really hard the past year for a job, but nothing has come.  The past few months have been great, because I have had a lot of job interviews, but no offer for jobs yet.

I use to pray with the woman I was in a relationship with, over the phone.  At times it felt really weird, because, when I say my nightly prayers, I pray for a lot of people.  So I, would list all of these people, and she had no idea who they were. 

Then last week, the strangest thing happened.  One day she texts me that it is over, and within 3 days I read on Facebook, she has had an answer to her prayers and that she is getting married that night.  After being mad, knowing that she was dating someone on the side and I had no idea it was happening, my next thought went to why did God answer her prayers and not mine?

I mean come on!  I have been praying really hard for over a year for a job, and no help to see for all my effects.  I pray for my friends and they do not get better.  Am I cursed?  The easy thing to do is to stop praying.

But that is what Satan wants us to do, take the easy way out, give up.  It is easy just to stop praying.  But it is harder to continue to ask and pray for the things I need.  He does not want me to exercise my faith.  I have seen my prayers answered in the past.  On my mission and even a few months ago, my prayers have been answered.  To stop, I would be denying my faith.   


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