Crazy Dreams: Clowns and Church

Last week, I was asked at church, if I would sing in the choir for the Christmas Program.  Was to go to choir practice this morning, but was not feeling to well, so I caught up on more sleep.  That lead to the Crazy Dream.

I was sitting back in my normal spot for church, in the back on the hard chairs, sleep, I mean listen to the talks, when the interlude song came up, which was being sung by the choir.  I do not remember the name of the song, and I wish I would, because maybe the dream would make more sense.  But as the music started the side door opened and in walks a clown and starts to sing.  Then another would come in and sing a line.  At one point there was a drum that was played.  All of the singer kept steaming in the side door all dressed as clowns.

I have no Idea what this dream means at all.  Church is a very serious thing for me.  In fact. in a few weeks, because of my work schedule, I will not be able to attend any church.  This is very distressing for me, because I have never been with out the church.  Maybe this is more about the Ward Choir and how for many years, OK, more like forever, would not be part of the Ward Choir.  So maybe it is me not taking the whole choir thing seriously.  I don't know.


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