Update August

Looking over my blog and I missed the whole month of August.  I am sorry, but them again, I have no idea who really reads this anyway.  

Another Birthday day down.  Spent the day before at my dad's. Went to work and had my birthday at my buddy Del Mar house.  His son Dalton made be a card, and Emily cooked my a good Steak dinner.  The big surprise of the day was spending an hour an half with my ex wife, just talking.

My dad and Bert are moving to Chino Valley, Arizona, near Prescott.  I will be the only in my family left in the valley after 37 years.  Not really happy about it, but nothing I can do about it either.

Work is going good.  10 months down.  Going into Acorn training next week, which will train me on the AA side of reservations.

No relationship news and do not know if there will ever be.  
Need to catch up on the Tie of the Day.

Finish my second book this week.  Decision Points by President G.W. Bush.  Thought is was really good.  I was not really a fan of President Bush, but this gave some in site on how he made the decisions he made.  I called through the chapter about September 11.  Brought back all the memories of that day.

Well that is it.  Until the next update.


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