Harrison Ford Dream

A few nights go I had a dream that involved Harrison Ford.  I know that he is in the next installment of Star Wars, as his character Han Solo. So maybe that is why he was in my dream.  In this dream he comes to me for work on one of his cars, my guessing is that it is foreign.  One of my person goals that was never achieved was making Eaglegate a bigger and better company.  These included have a shop were we could do installations of the kits we made and branching out to other cars then just Triumphs.  So my guess was it was one of these other cars.  In working out the details of payment, we would charged him for labor, because I had employees to pay, and two autograph pictures, one for me and the company, and one for my sister, who is one of the biggest Harrison Ford fans I know.  And that was it.  Sorry it was not more exciting.


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