Boy Scout Camp

I know that it is now September, but back in July, I was passing all the fireworks stands and it made me think of going to Scout Camp back in Tennessee.  I know you are asking yourself how are the two related,  you just have to read to find out.  

Going to Scout Camp in Tennessee was much different than going to scout camp in Arizona.  For one, we were the only Mormon troop there.  In Arizona there would be several other troops that were there that were Mormon.  So  this made the troops in Tennessee more diverse.  There many more other religions there and even a black troop.  But we did stand out.

I think it was either day two or day three, and I really can not remember how it started, but we were in the mess hall and we started  a massive food fight.  After all was said and done, we were in big trouble.  So much trouble they talked  about kicking us out of camp.  But they didn't and we cleaned up the mess, and were really being watch for our behavior. 

This was also the second time I went to camp with my father.  My dad went with me on High On a Mountain Top when I had just turned twelve. (Will need to talk about that as well someday.)  But having dad around camp really made things interesting.  For one, we did not have to go to the outpost for goodies, because my dad, brought up a cooler full of Pepsi and we had Planter's Cheese Balls that we got from his cousin Ronnie.  As well, my dad had his car magazines, that had half dressed women in them.  The Stake President kids loved looking through them the most.  

A day or two before the end of scout camp, they had a camp wide competition between the troops.   The only one that I was involved with was the tub a war.  At 14, I was the biggest in size for my age, which made me the anchor for the team.  We blow through the competition, and we found ourselves against my cousin's troop, and pulled them across with ease.  Come to find out, that we won ever event that day.  So went form the worst troop of the camp to the best.  

The ride took us down the mountain, and right past a wide spot in the road, South Pittsburgh.  The thing about South Pittsburgh is, that this is were the big fireworks warehouse are.  So we stopped and spent the money we made from the Pepsi and Cheese ball sales.  I came away with bottle rockets, firecrackers and roman candles.  found out a 2 liter bottle is a good holder for Roman Candles.  I had a fun time playing with the fireworks all summer long.  

So twice a year, I am reminded of going to Scout Camp in Tennessee.  The fireworks here we can buy are not the same as when I was a kid,  But it does bring back the memories.


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