
I know that it has been about a year an half since I have wrote any thing here.  So I think it is time for an update.


I had been in and out of the hospital in May and July.  Came home with oxygen.  My goal was to get off the oxygen as soon as I could.  I started walking August and build up my strength.  By December I was given the OK to stop using the oxygen everyday, but at night.  At this point I don't use it unless I am sick.

I had really turned things around health wise, but by January I started to slip.  Slow started to stop walking, drinking more soda, and not eating right.  In August I started watching what I ate and started to walk again. Kind of slip after Thanksgiving and December, but getting back on track.  (You will see why all the up and downs later.)


Work is going good.  Still working for the airlines.  I have been working on the same desk for 2 years now and love it.  I like booking flights for people all around the world.  This past year, I have been using my flight benefits.


When I last wrote, I was in a long distance relationship.  Everything was going great until we got to Christmas and it all fell apart.  At the time I did not know why, but after a few month the truth had come out.  she could not handle the distance and had found some one closer.  It had happen again.

The day I found out it was over, someone else walked into my life.  We had talked for about a week and she decided to meet me.  I knew from meeting her there was a spark, but I had been talking to another women that wanted to go on a date with me.  After talking it over with a coworker, I went out with the other woman, and felt nothing.  Or next date was on Easter was her favorite movie Les Mis.  I past her test and, we have been together for the last 9 months.  I hope for it is much much more.


After working for the airlines for over 3 years, this was the first year that I used my flight benefits.  My first trip was to Salt Lake City, in April,  to go to the Genealogy Center and to visit with a mission friend.    Then to Boise, in June, to meet the girlfriends three sisters that live there (She is the oldest of 10 children.)  Then in July, I flew to Santa Barbara to be with her and her family on vacation in Ventura.  In December it was back to Boise to see Elf the Musical.  And a week later we flew to Salt Lake to see the Temple Lights, and to see another sister and a friend of hers. 

I did go on a road to Ventura and Happy Jack for my Birthday.  First time staying on the beach.  So week of beach and mountains. 


I am still working on my Family History from time to time.  My girlfriend got me a DNA test kit for Christmas.  So last week I got the results.  And I am 99.9 Northern European.  That was really no surprise, since my third great grandfather was from Northern England and my third great grandmother was from Denmark.  My first trip to Salt Lake produced 5 new names added and removing another.  Still trying to get my Dad's family out of the Carolina's.

Well that is it for the update.  Hope to write more in the future and to post more pictures. 


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