Over the past month I have been to two baptisms, two farewells and a home coming. It reminds me of what I do not have in my life, children. I also have had my 44th birthday, which I spent on my own. My marriage of 22 years is gone, and I really have nothing to show that I am here. But I have been living some what an oddity in the Mormon Church. Having been married for so long, with no kids, you just don't get the feeling that you are part of the church family. I have set in many a Priesthood Class, hearing the teacher tell how special it is to be a father, and how closer to God you are. I really have not made a lot of friends in these wards, because I have no kids that are in the same Primary Class, Sunday School Class, or Mutual. It even feels like the newly married couple, when they do get pregnant, that they are now one up on me. A few years ago, our Ward did away with the Family Camp Out. But what stayed were the father/daughter a...
Great post baby!!!