
Showing posts from April, 2013

Why I am writing this Blog.

In a comment left on my last blog from Bev, she said that this was great therapy.  Bev has known me since I was 14 years old or almost 30 years.  She cut my hair until I went on my mission.  My and her older daughter are good friends.  But, she is right, this is somewhat therapy for me. I am a person who tens to hold things in.  Someone will come up to me and ask, "How are you doing?", and I will tell them I am fine, when in reality,  I could be having the worst day ever.  I know that this is a be trail of myself, but to others as well.  I do not want people to feel sorry for me.  I do not want to be asked what can I or we do for you.  I guess that I hate to ask for help.  With Facebook, I still have the problem with sharing things.  I know people that have to share everything they do in the lives at that time.  And I have friends that post to get a reaction.  So I got on a few weeks ago and ask for advice. One pe...

"Are you happy with life?"

I was over at my friends house when is 7 year old son comes up to me and ask,"Bill are you happy with your life?"  I was shocked where did this come from?  How do you tell a 7 year old that you are not happy and then he ask why?  His dad looked at him and asked him how he could ask a question like that. But is it so effuse that a 7 year old knows that I am not happy with my life. I don't like people know my problems. Maybe this is one to come back too.

If I could turn back time.

I have been thinking of this topic for a few days now.  No it has nothing to do with Cher, and no Cher songs will be played while writing this.  Thou that song is going through my mind.  Any way, I have been thinking about what if you could go back in time?  Would you change anything?  I know I have a lot of things I would change.  What would you not change?  I think we look back a lot and we can see the bad times so clearly.  But maybe there was just that one year that was magical.  That one year that not everything went well, but it was a good year overall. And here is the disclaimer:  I hope that do offend any friends if there name is used here. My magical year was my Junior year in High School.  I can hear it now.  I would never want to go back and relive my high school years. But for me this was one of the best years of my life. I was not the first year that I could drive, I was already doing that, the year before....

Mourning the lose of a parent.

As I got on my Facebook page today, I say that a friend of mine was talking about missing her mom, who would have been 63 today ( April 11).  I did not know now, that she had lost her mom when she was about 13.  I have a hard time understanding the pain that one would have losing a parent at such a young age.  I lost my mother just a little over 2 years ago, and I still cry about it today.  So when do we really get over a lose of a parent? For me it started March 15th, of 2011.  I had been called to the hospital, where I meet my dad, and we meet with the doctor.  She showed us my mother's lungs, that looked like Swiss cheese.  We knew that the out look was not good, but did not know how the doctors were going to proceed.  I went in and spent a few hours with my mom.  A few hours later, I get a call from my sister (I think) and she tells me that the cancer doctor had been there and had given my mom just a few weeks to live.  I sat th...

Life on my own.

Back in the last part of July to the beginning of August, my wife of 21 years comes to me and tell me that she is done with our marriage and is moving out.  After Labor Day she has moved to her mothers.  For me this was very painful but also a little scary for me as well.  In my whole life of 43 years, this is truly the first time I am on my own. I can hear it now, the question.  You have never been on you own until now?  Well let me explain.  I am a practicing Mormon, and have grown up in the church. Until last year, young men of the age of 19  could be called to serve a two year mission for the church. (The church lowered the age last October 2012 to 18 years old.)  So, August of 1988, I turned 19, and put in my papers to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  By the middle of September I knew were I was to serve, the Ireland, Dublin Mission for 2 years, and to leave my home for Provo Utah, to the Missionary...

The Beginning

So you are sitting here, reading this and asking yourself, what is this all about?  Well, for a while now, I have been thinking about writing done some of my thought on things.  I in no way see myself as a writer, but I have heard from people that it is good to write things down.  Why not a journal, like most people?  Well, I have a journal that I started as a teenager.  I am 43 now, and I have only written on 60 some odd pages.  60 pages to sum up my life so far, and they in no way cover the big events in my life. So why Underground Car Guy?  Well, I have grown around cars all my life.  My dad was proud that he brought me home in a 356 Porsche.  But my dad was a car guy since he was 14.  When we lived in Tennessee, my dad ate and breathed Porsche's, Jags, and Sunbeam Tigers.  He also brought his first race car than.  In 1978 we moved to Arizona, where, my dad found himself in car heaven.  VW's, Alfa Romeo's, Fiat's, TVR...