My stay in the Hospital.

Three weeks ago I knew I was sick.  I knew I could not breath.  That I could not walk to my car to a computer at work.  I knew that it hurt to walk to the washer to do laundry and back.  I kept this up for 2 weeks.  I wish that the doctors office would have read the chest x-ray that I had taken the week before earlier so it would have made me go to the Hospital sooner.  But who am I kidding.  Everyone around me were telling me I was not OK.  I took trying to get to work and a friend that would not let up that would get me there.

So on the 28 of April I sat in my room trying to get ready for work.  It was just not happening.  I called in sick and by 3 and talking to my friend Delmar I was going to the hospital.  Getting to the hospital took me  hours to get there.  Just had no energy.   

I was admitted and that started the crazy ride in the hospital.  The next day I was just sitting in bed trying to talk to people on the phone, but that was just to hard to do.  I told the nurse that I was feeling a little goofy.  All of the sudden I have about 10 people in the room and I was being moved to and ICU room.  I was turning blue.  They got me on a breathing machine and watched me for the next 6 hours, and coming in and checking the blood a lot.  They finally took me off the breathing machine and when I went to bed put me we on  the CPAP machine.

Here went on the nightly fight to keep it on.  By about 1 in the morning I was pulling it off.  This was  the fight for 3 days.  But then I had to stop and accept that this was for the better.  So the rest of the stay I did not fight the machine at all. 

After a week I was being move to an after care place called the Citidal.  I got there and all was just a blur.  My mom's friend Bev came by to see me as well as my home teachers.  Just barely remember all this.  The next minute I find myself being woken up and being told I am going back to the hospital.  I had turned blue again.  

So I get back over to the Hospital, I fall back asleep and I wake up again, with the mask on my face.  Confused I rip the mask off and I look done at my left hand and see an IV line in it.  Well  that had to come out too.  I remember one of the fireman tell the nurse hey look he just ruined you work.  I look up and see a person not to happy with me.  And back to sleep I go.

So back in the hospital and just rested to get better.  I was transferred to another hospital for a test and care.  By Thursday I am being transferred back to the Citidal.  Getting over to the Citidal the people that were there when I first came there see me and notice how much of a different person I am.  

So here I am at the Citidal getting better.  Still on the oxygen.  getting stronger every day.


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