Political Dreams

From time to time, I do have some interesting dreams, which I do not understand at all.  The other night was one of those dreams.  Most of my dreams are about work and making reservations that are crazy.  But this one had to deal with politics.  I was at a party after the Presidential campaign.  I was talking to a companion that was with me, who was asking me why we were there.  This was a party for the other political party.  I told him it was for research.  How do you learn about your political rival, then being at there parties.   President Obama got up to speak, and half way through the speech, he falls asleep.  I was shocked, how could one of the worlds most powerful speaker fall asleep in the middle of his own speech?

So the funny thing is, I woke up and turned on the news.  No one was talking about it.  It was not real. 


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