Why I am thankful for Facebook
I know that some look at Facebook as taking up to much of our time. To many people post senseless stuff about themselves or memes that have no point to your life. And lets not get into the political stuff. People have lost friendships because of Facebook. But then you have to really ask, if they were true friends, than they would not unfriend you for difference of opinion. But I am thankful for Facebook. It has reconnected me with family and friends. I always tried to get my mom on Facebook, but she did not want her stuff out there on the Internet. She saw it as a waste of time. When she died, I wish she would have had a page. It might have been a way to reconnect with friends in Boise. And maybe some of those friend would have known when she died. I know she had a lot of goof friends still there and I do not know if they know she died. But then she did not want to reconnect with some people and that is what she ...