So last Saturday I was flipping through the channels and came across Used Cars. This movie has a special place in my heart because I remember when it was filmed here in Mesa, in 1979. Most everyone went down to get into the movie some how, and they had a lot of large crowd scenes. But one night they needs some people to play certain roles in the file. That might my dad was chosen to be one of three FBI agents. He said the hardest thing was that the Actor Gerrit Graham was so funny that he had them laughing all the time. To set up the scene, They have just hacked the Presidential Speech and the FBI is there to investigate what happened.
Because my parents had signed up to be extra in the film, they were put on a list. And were called to do another movie. They were also called to do commercial, and one time they took use along and got all of use in a Visa commercial, that I never saw. They filmed it at Sky Harbor Airport and we worked half the day and got paid $50 each and all the donuts we wanted. The bonus was I got to miss half a day of school.
Thanks to Dave Riddle for uploading this on YouTube.
Over the past month I have been to two baptisms, two farewells and a home coming. It reminds me of what I do not have in my life, children. I also have had my 44th birthday, which I spent on my own. My marriage of 22 years is gone, and I really have nothing to show that I am here. But I have been living some what an oddity in the Mormon Church. Having been married for so long, with no kids, you just don't get the feeling that you are part of the church family. I have set in many a Priesthood Class, hearing the teacher tell how special it is to be a father, and how closer to God you are. I really have not made a lot of friends in these wards, because I have no kids that are in the same Primary Class, Sunday School Class, or Mutual. It even feels like the newly married couple, when they do get pregnant, that they are now one up on me. A few years ago, our Ward did away with the Family Camp Out. But what stayed were the father/daughter a...
Me with Jensen in 2012. As I was writing about my vacation with my grandparents, it made me realize that I had a love of trains. Not only did my Hatch grandparents work for the railroad, but so did my Grandpa Close. One thing that I left out from the trips, was that we did stay here in Mesa between our travels from California, Northern Arizona, and Utah. My grandpa Hatch would always take me down to Pioneer Park and they had a train engine there, and I climbed all over that train inside and out. I think it that next Christmas that he got me a train set that had and engine that blow smoke. I had that train until I think the second move out to Arizona. But I have always enjoyed model trains. One of the things I really enjoyed about going to the State Fair was going and seeing the model train set below the grandstands. And then seeing the exhibit in San Diego in 2007. Living in Chattanooga was great as well. During the Civil War...
This week my oldest niece, Ashley, is graduating from High School. It is hard to believe that this little girl that I watched from a distance, is now a young woman, and going out into the big wide world. I remember graduating from the same high school back in 1988. There was over 800 plus of use getting our diplomas that night. A few days later, I was on a plane to Hawaii, for a week of fun with other classmates. I had worked all senior year, and back than I think I paid $300 for the total trip. There was about 15 of us from Mesa High that went on the trip. About two weeks later, we were all back together to share our pictures of the trip. The talk turned to what next. For most, it was off to college. I was one of three Mormons that went on the trip, and I knew that in two months I would be putting in my papers for a Mormon mission, and with in six months I would be in the mission. field. I was shocked to find that many envie...
I couldn't even tell which one was our Dad....don't recognize him without gray hair.