I know that it is now September, but back in July, I was passing all the fireworks stands and it made me think of going to Scout Camp back in Tennessee. I know you are asking yourself how are the two related, you just have to read to find out. Going to Scout Camp in Tennessee was much different than going to scout camp in Arizona. For one, we were the only Mormon troop there. In Arizona there would be several other troops that were there that were Mormon. So this made the troops in Tennessee more diverse. There many more other religions there and even a black troop. But we did stand out. I think it was either day two or day three, and I really can not remember how it started, but we were in the mess hall and we started a massive food fight. After all was said and done, we were in big trouble. So much trouble they talked about kicking us out of camp. But they didn't and we cleaned up the mess, ...