I thought I would lighten things up. The topics have been so heavy, that I thought I would do something fun and maybe interactive. But when I asked for your input before, I got little to no response, so lets try it again. I love 80's music, but I do like to switch things up at times. Most of my ITunes music library is mostly 80's. So that is what I like about Pandora. I can have my 80's music, but I can have country, jazz, and instrumental. I also like it because you can customize it to every ones taste and likes. This was always an argument in the car, who's channel are you going to listen to. My ex wife would only listen to country, and I just could not do that 24/7. I needed talk radio most of the time and love the opinions on different topics. But, like I said, I do like to listen to other stuff. So here is my Pandora Play list: "Weird Al" Yankovic Radio, 80's Pop Radio, 80's Alternative AC/DC, ...