Noah the Movie
So I was talking to someone at church about seeing the Movie, Noah. And I told them what I thought about it, and then they asked me, if I did not know anything about Noah, is it a good movie? And this was not hard for me to answer, and I said Yes. If you look at it as a Movie, it is a pretty good Action / Adventure Movie. It had drama, conflict, and action, but we somewhat know how the movie ends. But before I went to see Noah, I wanted to brush up on Noah and went to the source, the Bible. I heard some one say, how can you get a movie out of few verses, but the story of Noah cover a lot more. It story takes in Genesis Chapter 6 thru 10. So I read the book before seeing the movie. And I think this is the problem that most Christians are having with the film. It tries to follow the story, but how much literary licence are you going to get away with. And that is the problem, they strayed to far from the original story. I ...